Conel: Sprendimai energetikai
Energy and Heat Industries
The energy and heat industries use wireless communication systems because they are economical and they
are quickly and easily installed. They are mostly used for monitoring/supervising and control of various
technological devices. A high level of reliability is necessary. Wireless connections may also serve as
backup systems in case of failure of fixed/permanent communication lines. Heat distribution industries
use wireless data transfer for their heat distribution systems - SCADA systems provides them with data
collections and with management of transfer stations, or it is used to collect data (readouts) from heat
measuring instruments (heat meters).
The most important uses and applications:
remote control of high-voltage sectional switches
measurement and control of devices in transformer stations
remote readouts of electric meters, smart metering
monitoring of small power plants - water, wind, photovoltaic power plants
monitoring of cogeneration units, biogas stations
monitoring and supervision of boiler rooms and heat distribution systems
heat transfer station management and control
data collection from heat measuring instruments
Selected references
Západoslovenská energetika, a.s. (Slovakia) - GSM-GPRS networks for remote control
of sectional switch-off elements, transformer station monitoring
ČEZ Distribuce, a. s. - GSM-GPRS network for remote control of sectional switch-off
elements, transformer stations and FVE (PPP - Photovoltaic Power Plants)
Watson Telecom (Ukrajina) - radio networks for measurement and control of transformer
stations in Ukraine
IT-Tronic (Dánsko) - GSM-GPRS connections for wind power plants
Pražská teplárenská a.s. - GSM-GPRS and EDGE network for data collections from
transfer stations and heat measuring instruments (heat meters)
Elektrárny Opatovice, a.s. - radio and GPRS networks for collections of data
from heat transfer stations