Conel: Meterologiniai ir stebėjimo sprendimai

Meteorology and Warning Systems

Water, wind, earthquake, radiation. Today, we witness various natural disasters more often. Sufficient number of monitoring and measuring stations/locations and transfer of data provided by these stations in real time, enables us to warn the affected area efficiently and in time and thus protect human lives.

Weather forecast, air quality monitoring and air pollution level represent important information for everybody. Due to these reasons, online and real-time communication is necessary.


Main application samples

  • • transfer of data provided by metrological stations and sensors
  • • air quality measurement and monitoring
  • • flood control systems, early warning information systems for municipalities, cities and industrial enterprises
  • • monitoring of volcanoes, prediction of earthquakes and other natural disasters
  • • gas and radiation detection systems

Selected references

ENVITECH Bohemia - EDGE communication for automatic air pollution monitoring stations in the Czech Republic

Monitoring of volcanic activity - Iceland, 3G and EDGE communications

Meteorology and Seismology - Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Italy (3G, EDGE)

DIAMO s.p. - GPRS monitoring of methane leaks in abandoned mines

RWE Gas Storage - radio network used to transfer seismological information from around the vicinity of the underground gas storages

Povodí Odry, státní podnik (Odra river plateau - state enterprise) -radio network for data transfers obtained by rainfall measuring stations, limni-graphs and dams over to the control centre.

Case studies

Iceland volcano monitoring

Conel: Apsaugos kamerų sprendimai

2013 Liepos 16 d.

Conel sprendimai apsaugos kameroms.